IRIX is bundled with an extensive set of desktop software applications, including Web tools, desktop productivity tools, and other software.

The IRIX 6.5 Applications CD, November 2001, is a companion to IRIX 6.5.14. This CD contains the IRIX Desktop and various desktop applications. Application upgrades shipped with the IRIX release are either full images or overlays. Full images and base versions of overlays can be found on the Applications CD, whereas updates to overlays are found on the IRIX 6.5.14 Overlays CD, November 2001. To install the new versions of overlay applications you must install IRIX 6.5.14.

These Full Images have been revised for the IRIX 6.5 Applications CD, November 2001:

  • IRIS InSight(TM) Developer
  • Runtime Plug-in for IRIX, Java(TM) Edition
  • NEdit - GUI style editor

In addition, the Netscape Fasttrack Server has been removed from the IRIX 6.5 Applications CD, November 2001. Its functionality will be superceded by the new SGI web server based on Apache.

These Overlays have been revised for the IRIX 6.5 Overlay CD, November 2001:

  • IRIX® Interactive Desktop
  • IRIX® Interactive Desktop Tools
  • IRIX® Interactive Desktop Administration
  • IRIS InSight(TM) Dynaweb Server
  • IRIS InSight(TM) Viewer
  • Impressario(TM)Printing Tools
  • Information Searching Execution Enviorment
  • Fulltest Indexing and Search Enviroment
  • LIcense Tools
  • WebViewer Library Execution only Enviroment
Documentation As an SGI customer you have access to all of SGI's product documentation online. To view a document please visit our Technical Publications Web page at

IRIX 6.5.14

Advanced Server Environment

IRIX 6.5.14
Advanced Workstation Environment

SGI is introducing complete, value-added solutions to servers and workstations with IRIX 6.5 Advanced Server Environment and IRIX 6.5 Advanced Workstation Environment. IRIX 6.5 ASE and AWE give you a complete operating environment, including interoperability tools, enterprise management software, and the maturity and performance of IRIX 6.5.

ASE AWE Contents Location
Maturity and Performance
Y Y IRIX 6.5.14

IRIX 6.5.14 (1 of 3) Installation Tools and Overlays CD

IRIX 6.5.14 (2 of 3) Installation Tools and Overlays CD

IRIX 6.5.14 (3 of 3) Overlays CD

IRIX 6.5.14 (1 of 3) Installation Tools and Overlays CD

IRIX 6.5.14 (2 of 3) Installation Tools and Overlays CD

IRIX 6.5.14 (3 of 3) Overlays CD
TCO/Enterprise Management
Y Y Novell NetWare(TM) IRIX 6.5.14 Applications CD
Y Y Xinet AppleTalk® IRIX 6.5.14 Applications CD
Other Applications
Y - Database Accelerator (DBA) DBA CD

NOTE: SGI no longer bundles EnlightenDSM with IRIX 6.5 ASE or AWE. The same software is now downloadable for free for all SGI customers from the Enlighten Software Solutions web site,
Through 12/31/00 SGI provides first level customer and tech support. Enlighten will be responsible for 2nd level and 3rd level support. After 12/31/00, customers should contactEnlighten Software Solutions directly for support

NOTE: SGI no longer bundles the CA Unicenter TNG Framework with IRIX ASE software packages. Free CA Unicenter software is now available from

IRIX 6.5 Advanced Workstation Environment desktops are also available in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French, and German.

Over time, SGI will continue to deliver total solutions by adding to IRIX 6.5 Advanced Server Environment and Advanced Workstation Environment, allowing you to do more with your SGI machines.
Licenses for IRIX Applications To see what licenses you have, open License Manager. If you have a question about which licenses you may be entitled to, send an e-mail to, put "help" in the subject line, and your serial number and a description of the question in the body of the message. In the U.S. or Canada you can call SGI support at 1(800)800-4SGI.
Third-Party Applications Support Some of the products shipped are third-party applications. To find out how to get support for these products, refer to the Third-Party Applications Support page.